In 2007, Sharif Khan embarked on a beekeeping journey from a single hive nestled in his garden, a humble beginning that burgeoned into a profound passion for apiary. Over the years, this initial venture expanded significantly under his careful management, and today, Sharif oversees approximately 40 colonies scattered across southern Birmingham, including Edgbaston, Kings Heath, Moseley, Stirchley, and Weather Oak on the North Worcester/Birmingham boundary. His approach to beekeeping adheres strictly to traditional practices and techniques, ensuring the health and productivity of each colony.
Sharif’s dedication to beekeeping extends beyond maintenance; he produces high-quality, award-winning honey and hive-related products. His offerings are renowned for their purity and minimal processing, preserving the natural benefits imparted by the bees. These products have consistently garnered accolades at Local, County, and National Honey Shows, with numerous first-place prizes and occasional best-in-show awards.
In partnership with Roman since the 2019 season, the duo has not only continued to manage these hives effectively but also expanded their range of hive products. Both are active members of the Birmingham & District Bee Keepers Association, which supports new and seasoned beekeepers with necessary training and resources.
For enthusiasts interested in local, premium-quality honey, pollen, and beeswax, all products are available for purchase. Please contact through the provided email on the website to confirm availability and arrange collection times.